Friday, September 25, 2009

who doesn't love mail?

You know the feeling when you open your mailbox and you're flipping through the envelopes — bill, bill, flyer, bill .. Ooo, a card! Isn't it fun when there's something there that you weren't expecting? I'm one of those people who starts checking the mail with ridiculous enthusiasm more than a week before my birthday because I love getting mail that doesn't require sending someone money.

I'm a big believer in the giving and receiving of cards. I've heard the arguments to the contrary — they're a waste of money, it's some else's words, blah, blah. But I really think that taking the time to pick out a meaningful card from the hundreds in the store is sometimes more heartfelt than the monetary gesture of a gift.

My crafty friend and Magenta Revolution business partner HH blogged recently about cards and gave a little tutorial on how to refurbish old cards — check it out here. Handmade. It doesn't get much more personal that that.

The problem is, I get busy and make excuses. I pretend that there isn't a mailbox on every corner and I let cards hang around in my purse for weeks. Well, no more. I'm making it my goal to pick up a roll of stamps and put notes to family and friends in the mail more often.

When's the last time you sent a card for no reason?


  1. Yesterday! I sent a card for no reason yesterday. :-)

    I love sending and receiving cards as well. I totally feel the same thrill of getting something unexpected in the mail. While it may be a "waste" I don't think you can put a price on giving someone a little lift when they're down, or an extra little something to be happy about for their birthday.

    I'm here from SITS. Happy Friday! You have a beautiful blog!

  2. That is such a good idea. I'm good about making cards and attaching them to gifts, but I'm terrible about mailing them. I'm going to make more of an effort to write to my grandmother-in-law.

  3. I LOVE sending cards in the mail.. and of course recieving them! I send my grandmother a card twice a month... just because. And drop notes in the mail for random friends every now and again. So fun!

  4. let me know if you want my address ;)
