Tuesday, December 28, 2010

oh so organized

Inspired by Chef Michael Smith, I decided to organize my kitchen with clear glass jars. I picked up some quart jars for larger quantity items like chocolate chips, icing sugar and brown sugar, and Mum gave me some smaller ones for spices and seasonings. I also bought a set of clear plastic containers in larger sizes for flours, white sugar, salt and beans.

Aren't they puurrrtttyyy?

Ahh, so satisfying! I wrote on the lids with a Sharpie ... wouldn't want to mix up key ingredients, like baking powder and soda.

Next up, my craft supplies! One jar for ribbons, one for glue, one for stickers, one for embellishments ...

ten on tuesday

Here is the last edition of Ten on Tuesday for 2010!

1. What was the number one item on your Christmas wishlist?I honestly didn't want for anything this Christmas. With Baby J laughing and interacting more every day, I was happy to just pop a bow on his head and call it good enough. Husband and I decided not to buy gifts for each other this year, but we've picked up a few around-the-house items lately which we'll count as pressies. We were certainly still spoiled from our family, receiving a Wii with some addicting games and a set of winter tires!

2. Did you get the number one item on your Christmas wishlist?Spending a full week in New Brunswick with Husband, Baby J and all of my fam was the perfect present.

3. How long has it been since you’ve had a pedicure?I had a pedicure in late August with lovely cousin C. She surprised me with it as a baby shower gift before Baby J arrived and it felt amazing on my nine-months-preggo feet.

4. How cold is it in your city today?With the wind chill, we're enjoying a balmy -14 degrees Celsius in Halifax today.

5. How many pillows do you sleep with?
At least two.

6. Can you roll your tongue?Yep, I can. And so can Husband. So does that mean Baby J will be able to, too?

7. Do you always buy the same mascara or do you try new ones each tube?
It takes me a long time to go through a tube of mascara ... and yes, I know, I should probably replace it more often than I do. Generally I buy Cover Girl, though sometimes I try out different varieties of that brand.

8. What’s your favourite cookbook?
As I've mentioned before, I'm somewhat of a cookbook connoisseur. For Christmas, I received The Family Circle Cookbook: The Ultimate Recipe Collection for Busy Families, Best of the Best: One Dish, and Company's Coming Most Loved Salads and Dressings. My No. 1 go-to book is my Better Homes and Gardens Collection.

9. What was your first pet?
Jessie the cat.

10. Do you wear jewelry on a daily basis?
Yes, my wedding rings and a Satya lotus necklace from Husband. Sometimes I wear other things, too.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

merry christmas

Wishing you all a joyful holiday and lots of love!
Merry Christmas! xoxo

Thursday, December 16, 2010

gingery goodness

It's hard to believe that, as crafty as I am, I don't think I ever made a gingerbread house before yesterday. Lovely cousin C came over to visit with Baby J and me, and brought along a tasty kit to give our boy one of his first Christmas traditions.

In true baby fashion, this is how J responded to all of the excitement:

So C and I mustered our inner children, turned up the Christmas tunes and got creative.

We started out using patterns with the colourful candies, but soon we ditched conformity in favour of sugary chaos.

What do you think? Share some of your favourite holiday traditions!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

ten on tuesday

Like Amy, I love a good theme post. She recently introduced me to Ten on Tuesday. Thought I'd join in!

1. What do you order at Starbucks?
Decafe grande non-fat latte. Sometimes I treat myself to the caffeine and hope baby boy doesn't take too much in through the breast milk!

2. Where is your favourite place to eat breakfast?
Besides my own kitchen — I find breakfast one of the most relaxing meals to make and eat — I love the cheap eats at The Ardmore Tea Room on Quinpool Road or the family favourites at Sunnyside Restaurant in Bedford.

3. Are you on Twitter? Why or why not?
Yes (@lbunin), but I've really dropped off with posting updates. I log on every now and then to read what others have to say though.

4. What is your favourite Christmas movie?
Oo, this is a toughie. I love the Grinch, of course. I watch Home Alone every year, too. And I love lots of newer chick flicks, like The Holiday and Love Actually.

5. Are you a good gift giver?
I try to be! When possible, I prefer to pick out personal gifts for friends and family instead of opting for gift cards ... but then again, who doesn't love to receive and spend a good gift card?

6. Do you like your handwriting? Bonus points for posting a picture.
Not really. I have a weird mix of writing and printing most of the time. I should practice and catch up on some snail-mail correspondence.

7. Is your signature legible? Bonus points for posting a picture.
Yep, for the most part. It really depends on how much of a hurry I'm in when I'm signing that Visa slip.

8. Have you ever been to New York during Christmas season?
Not yet, but lovely friends A and J went this past weekend and seeing the amazing photos makes me want to go even more!

9. Are there any items that you are completely brand loyal?
Definitely. Heinz ketchup and Kraft peanut butter for sure.

10. Who is your favourite public speaker?
I haven't seen a public speaker in a long time. Have you seen anyone good lately?

Join in!

time flies

It seems like just yesterday we welcomed sweet baby Jacob into our family, and now he's nearly three months old! In just over 11 weeks, we've been to the Saturday farmers' market several times, trekked to Fredericton, Moncton twice, Lunenburg and Syndey, been to a bunch of Reel Babies movies, and taken many walks around town with our stroller. He loves tummy time, playing on the changing table in his nursery and flying around the house like Superman with Daddy.

Jacob is a sweet boy and has made parenting a joy so far. He sleeps very well, and as you can tell in the photo above, he definitely eats well! He's in the 90th percentile for both length and weight.

We love our life as a family of three. Husband and I have made an effort to maintain the lifestyle we enjoyed before Jacob arrived — we do errands together on weekends, spend time with friends, watch our favourite TV shows and eat meals at the table as a family. We love when our boy wakes up early on weekend mornings and the three of us play together in bed while the rest of the world is still asleep.

As you have probably noticed, my little blog has fell by the wayside lately, in favour of breastfeeding, changing diapers and playing Patty Cake. In the new year, I plan to return to crafting, projects and writing. Thanks for waiting! See you soon!