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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

the difference a year makes

One year ago today, I ended my maternity leave early and went back to work full-time. The job was, and still is, the job. Through my excitement at the time, there was apprehension. I wondered then if I would look back and regret leaving Jacob with Husband for the summer, when I could've been home with them for two months of family freedom.

One year later, I can honestly say that I don't. My work is a part of who I am, and I would have regretted passing up the opportunity to find a comfortable place in my field again.

Now, I'm in a settled groove at work, taking on new projects and I genuinely look forward to going to the office each morning. And I know how insanely lucky I am.

On this day last year, Jacob was a still-nursing, not-yet-walking, rolly-polly babe. Now, he's an energy-filled, running-and-jumping, hilarious and sweet toddler that I just can't get enough of. We are beyond fortunate to have a wonderful home to leave him at each day, with the sweetest caregiver and her loving family. He's made many new friends and learned so much. Even now, I have butterflies every day as I make the short trip from my office to the door where I pick him up. I am thrilled to see him at the end of a busy day and relish the moment he screams "Mummy!" and jumps into my arms.

What a difference a year makes. It feels like I've come full-circle in many ways. I'm expecting again. I'm in the planning stages of another maternity leave, anticipating some time to spend all of my energy on my family.

Here's to the past year, everything it's meant to me, and knock on wood that the next is just as lucky.

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